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A few words about vertical illumination

A few words about vertical illumination
The vertical illumination is one of the most important components of architectural lighting, which until recently received negligible attention. Meanwhile, the human eye is designed in such a way that most of the light we perceive is reflected from vertical surfaces. As upright creatures, we primarily fixate with our eyes on the vertical, since this is the natural direction of our eyes.

Illuminated walls add volume and “air” to the room, creating a feeling of spaciousness and light-filled space. If the illumination on vertical surfaces is insufficient, a person begins to experience discomfort on a subconscious level, since in such lighting the proportions of the room are poorly read and the perception of space is distorted. Therefore, vertical illumination is an essential component of competent lighting design.

At the same time, vertical illumination is necessary for better performance of a number of visual works. The requirements to ensure the required level of vertical illumination also apply to production workshops. Especially in those where the assembly of large-sized products is expected. In classrooms, the level of vertical illumination of the board should not be lower than the level of illumination of the desks, so that students do not experience a sharp change in visual adaptation. Lighting of trade and book shelves, showrooms, and exhibition stands is required.

To avoid the “cave effect”, the walls and ceiling must be illuminated. The average illumination of the walls should be at least 50%, and the illumination of the ceiling - at least 30% of the average horizontal illumination on the working plane.

The NAOS series luminaires, which have the shape of a uniformly luminous tube, can handle all these tasks perfectly. The wide light distribution makes it possible to provide not only horizontal, but also vertical illumination, as well as ceiling lighting for a more comfortable lighting environment.

The luminaires have two types of mounting (pendant and overhead), a wide range of lengths - from 750 to 3000 mm, control according the DALI protocol for creating different light scenes expand the possibilities for creating a comfortable and expressive lighting environment in rooms of various purposes and sizes.

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