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Personnel Center of the Department of Health

We are constantly expanding our product range so that with the help of RADUGA™ luminaires our customers and partners can find a solution to even the most complex and non-standard tasks.

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The LED architectural equipment TM RADUGA was used in the project of facade architectural and artistic lighting of a multi-story building of the Personnel Center of the Moscow Health Department.

The LED architectural equipment TM RADUGA was used in the project of facade architectural and artistic lighting of a multi-story building of the Personnel Center of the Moscow Health Department.

The center provides medical organizations of the capital's healthcare system with qualified personnel, provides continuous professional and additional education and methodological support, conducts assessment activities, and also serves as an accreditation platform.

Our company won the competition for the implementation of architectural and artistic lighting of this important government facility together with the lighting company Light4U. For architectural and artistic lighting of the facade, a linear LED luminaire Lumen was used. This is a miniature and effective solution for illuminating objects where homogeneity and uniformity of light flux is important. The low power consumption meets the most stringent energy saving requirements. A convenient mounting bracket with stainless steel adjustment bolts allows to accurately direct the light flux, which is very important for high-quality sliding lighting.

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