The "Fox Hole" suburban complex is located on the shore of a pristine lake among the picturesque landscapes of the village of Ignatovo, 39 kilometers from Moscow. The territory with a total area of 600 thousand square meters includes natural routes for active and relaxing recreation, the largest shooting sports complex in Europe, an indoor ice arena, a spa and safari center, and entertainment areas.
Many birds and forest animals live here in their natural environment. The secluded corners created by nature itself alternate with original designer landscapes. According to the owners of the complex, it embodies the most modern and advanced ideas about high-quality and effective recreation away from the bustle and noise of the city.
Only environmentally friendly materials were used in the construction of the complex, and resource-saving technologies that generate “clean” electricity were used for energy supply.
The architectural lighting project for the complex was developed by the
"Lighting Engineering Workshop" company. The RADUGA™ equipment
The Lumen-U linear luminaires of non-standard lengths were manufactured specifically for the project. Also, at the request of the contractor, the transparent compound was replaced with black in the equipment that was installed in the visible area in order to hide the boards and other “filling”.
All luminaires are dimmable and controlled according to the DALI protocol. The brightness level of street-facing luminaires is adjusted automatically from the control room, and in courtyards, users can customize the lighting themselves to suit their needs.